Terms and Conditions
Rates are displayed for each caravan on the website.
Rates include GST and Comprehensive Caravan Insurance
Terms of Payment
A deposit of 25% is required to secure a booking
Payment in full is required at least 28 days prior to the collection of a booked van.
Cancellations and Refunds
Full deposit is refundable, less a $100 admin fee, up to 42 days prior to collection date provided notice of cancellation is given in writing.
25% of the deposit is refundable, up to 28 days prior to collection date provided notice of cancellation is given in writing.
There is no refund of deposit for cancellations of less than 28 days notice. The booking may be transferred, subject to availability. New booking must be within 12 months of the original dates.
There is no refund for early returns.
There is no refund of full payment for failure to collect the caravan at the agreed time and date.
A $1,500 security bond (Cash or Credit Card) will be held by DISCOVERY CARAVAN HIRE SYDNEY at the start of the hire period.
This bond is held to cover:
- minor damage except for normal wear and tear
- Loss of items
- Cleaning if required
- Insurance excess in the event of a claim. Insurance excess is $1,500 per claim during the hire period.
The Security Bond will be refunded within 14 days of the return of the Caravan, less any deductions subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Hire.
Caravan Care and Cleaning
Smoking is prohibited in caravans
Pets are not allowed
Burning of candles, incense and mosquito coils are not allowed inside caravans
Please ensure all camp fires and BBQs are kept well away from the caravan to prevent unwanted odours from entering the van.
The cost of deodorising the caravan due to any of the above will be deducted from the bond
The caravan must be returned in a clean and tidy condition. Toilet cassette, where fitted, must be emptied of all waste material and washed out.
A $60 per hour cleaning fee will be charged if the Caravan is returned excessively dirty inside or out.
High pressure washers and steam cleaners are not permitted to be used for cleaning the exterior of the Caravan.
Accidents, Damage or Breakdown
The Hirer is responsible for notifying DISCOVERY CARAVAN HIRE SYDNEY as soon as possible of any accident, damage, or breakdown.
All damage or accidents should be reported to the local police immediately and a copy of the police report obtained and forwarded to DISCOVERUY CARAVAN HIRE SYDNEY.
The Hirer is responsible for damage or loss excluding reasonable wear and tear.
Tyres damaged from incorrect inflation or incorrect brake adjustment are to be replaced with tyres of similar quality, load and speed rating.
The Hirer is to be aware that unsecured items inside the Caravan can move and cause damage to floors, walls, cupboards and other items inside the Caravan during transit. All items should be secured during transit. Large items such as pushbikes are not to be transported inside the Caravan.
Checklists to prepare for packing up and towing the Caravan will be supplied and should be checked off each time the Caravan is to be towed. Items such as TV antennas, awnings, pop-top roofs and other items are easily damaged if not correctly secured according to the checklists.
Sub – letting
Sub – letting of caravans is not allowed
Excluded Roads and Areas
“On-Road” Caravans are restricted to sealed roads and designated 2WD dirt access roads to camping areas in National Parks.
“Off-Road” Caravans may be used on dirt roads in a reasonable condition suitable for towing a Caravan. Discovery Caravan Hire Sydney caravans are not to be used on roads specifically excluded for Caravans.
The Hirer must notify DISCOVERY CARAVAN HIRE SYDNEY prior to collection if they intend to take the Caravan “Off-Road”.
The following drivers are excluded from towing a DISCOVERY CARAVAN HIRE SYDNEY caravan:
- Any person not identified on the Hire Agreement as a Hirer or driver.
- Any Person under 25 years of age
- Any person who does not hold a current full drivers license issued in Australia
- Any person who has held a full drivers licence for less than 2 years
- Any person under the influence of an intoxicating substance or drug.
Tow Vehicle
Vehicles used to tow Discovery Caravan Hire Sydney caravans must be of the correct rating with regards to Aggregate Weight towing capacity and Towball Load capacity.
The manufacturers specified Caravan Weights and Towball Loads for each Caravan will be identified on the website. Towing capacities for individual vehicles can generally be found in the Vehicles Operating Handbook or by reference to the vehicle manufacturer’s website.
The tow vehicle must have full comprehensive insurance. A copy of Certificate of Currency must be supplied on collection of the hired caravan.
It is the Hirers responsibility to ensure that their tow vehicle complies with these conditions.
DISCOVERY CARAVAN HIRE SYDNEY excludes all liability, to the greatest extent allowed by the law. DISCOVERY CARAVAN HIRE SYDNEY accepts only the minimal liability prescribed by the law under statutes including but not limited to the Trade Practices Act, Fair Trading Act, Civil Liability Act and all traffic law. DISCOVERY CARAVAN HIRE SYDNEY accepts no liability under common law. DISCOVERY CARAVAN HIRE SYDNEY accepts no responsibility for the personal belongings of the hirer. Caravans are hired at the exclusive risk of the Hirer. The Hirer must not use the Caravan for any purpose other than reasonable holiday use.