Are you a beginner in caravanning? Here are a few things you need to know for an all-fun experience

This is your first time in a caravan whether you have bought it or rented it the ecstasy remains pretty much the same.  In this article, we will let you know everything about caravanning to ensure your adventure remains hassle-free and you get the best out of it. Caravan Hire in Sydney is here to share with you all the necessary trips and tricks for the beautiful trip you deserve.


So if you are a rookie in carvanning, here are a few pointers that will come in handy :

  • Try making a list in advance of what you need to buy for the trip. This includes the basic grocery stuff, clothing and the essentials you need to buy for your caravans such as fire extinguishers, wheel clocks, jacks and towing mirrors. Before you begin your journey make sure to cross-check about the things you would need for the campsite.
  • Your caravan would require a greater amount of fuel as compared to other vehicles. So be very generous during the refill of the fuel tank for a smooth adventure. It’s always a great idea to keep some backup fuel for an emergency.
  • You reach the campsite and see it is already booked wouldn’t it be devastating?

To avoid this by all means make sure to prebook your spot in advance to avoid complications later on.

  • Always reconsider the payload capacity of your van. You would want to bring along everything with you to the campsite but it would only cause you problems so try skipping the heavier items. Try finding lighter alternatives to those.
  • Driving a usual vehicle and a caravan can feel completely different. You might be a pro driver but driving a caravan considering the entire weight of your goods along with the weight of the van might get a bit tricky. It is always advisable to practice driving in your van before your final day to avoid any issues. Luxury caravan hires in Sydney assures you of assistance regarding any issues and suggests the best plans to make your trip joyful.


We know how excited you must be for your first caravanning so we have also come up with some pro packing tips that you will thank us later for if you follow them those are:

  • Get yourself a double-sided Velcro this single thing is a complete live saver. From rolling towels, and attaching portable lights on walls, to securing loose items it does it all in one go.
  • Use a zippered show bag to carry all your shoes in a single bag. It will keep your shoes organized.
  • Using a collapsible laundry hamper is a quick hack for you to use as an alternative to the trash bag.
  • If you are carrying meat for the go then make sure to vacuum seal it. This would ensure your meat stays fresh and has no unusual smell in your fridge.
  • Carrying prepacked ice for your portable fridge can come quite handy for your campsite. Not only it helps you during any emergency but you can also prepare your drinks using it.
  • Use packing cells in your bathroom to hang your necessary stuff this keeps your clothes and toiletries dry.  
  • Try using a small case to keep your keys and small portable stuff in one place. This will save you the time of searching for it every time.
  • In order to enjoy more for your adventure try using frozen meals and also freezing leftovers in takeaway containers. This will save you time in cooking and washing the dishes.
  • Make baby wipes, paper towels and disposable gloves you go to stuff in any mess that takes place. From cleaning your dirty hands, and wiping your face, to cleaning up spilled food or drinks it does it all.
  • Always remember lesser the stuff more is the more enjoyable as you don’t need to spend organizing everything.


Well now you are all prepared for setting up your caravan and enjoying the adventure but as it is supposed to feel like your home for the upcoming days, You could keep in mind the following tips and tricks that would ensure your caravan travel be a memorable one. 

Those are:

  • To ensure your safety and prevent any hassles make sure you have the right insurance for your travelling house. Take some time off before your trip and get through all the policies as each has something different to offer. Identify what suits best for you and get it after a thorough look through the insurance terms and conditions. We advise you to take up a policy that promises to provide you with the following allowances:
  • Accidental damage.
  • Flood or any kind of damage caused due to nature.
  • Repairs during an emergency and quick accommodation post any accidents.
  • Assurance about returning your van to your residential home.


  • Your van won’t have the storage you have at your home but in order to make it feel like home there are some hacks you can give a try. Trying to keep little extra freezer storage would help you store your foods in advance. It is a win-win moment as you get your home food spending little money on it and additionally you don’t need to do the dishes that you get post-cooking.  Also hanging your shoes in bags, toiletries, clothes, and some daily items can save up a lot of space for you but try using netted fabrics for perishable that would keep them from sweating. Also, make sure to hang your clothes in cascading hangers this would make your caravan look clean and tidy.
  •  The kitchen is stated as the” heart of your home”. In order to keep your kitchen top-notch we have some tips to make the best use of it.

Those are:

  •  Invest in a good water filter for your caravan this would make you stay safe no matter what the source of water is.
  • The kitchen is bound to have a lot of breakables such as cups, dishes and even the microven plate.  Try investing in some padding and spare foams for your breakable for safe travel and long life.        


So this is all we needed you to know for an exciting caravan journey that would be most memorable to you in all possible ways. For you to have the best experience you could get in touch with Discovery Caravan Hire Sydney we will assist you regarding the entire experience so that you make the best out of your trip.


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